Friday, January 19, 2007

Without the kids

Aerie's mom (Nanny) offered to pick up the boys last night and take them to Cosmic Adventures. The kids always love spending time with their nanny, and Aerie and I got to go on a little date. We've been needing some time to talk so we went over to Starbucks and got ourselves a delicious tea. We both tried one that we haven't tried before, Green Tea - Ginger (highly recommend that one).

It was relaxing and nice to just hang out. We went over our agendas for the next two weeks, we chatted, talked about our lists of goals, and then...PLAYED SCRABBLE!

I started the game really believing that I would not cheat. I wanted to win fair and square. Well, sort of. I wanted to try anyway. While I was thinking of a word, Aerie saw Melissa and went over and said hello. The first thing she asked was "Is Tracy cheating over there?"

Aerie was gone for over 5 minutes and I could not find a word. Okay, let me rephrase that - I
could find many words, but I could not find a GREAT word that was worth a lot of points. I was looking for the letter T. I reached in the bag, laughing to myself, and grabbed a few letters...NO "T"...ah! so then I saw Aerie walking back over and I just grabbed a handful of letters. The first thing he said was "You little stinker - you cheated didn't you!" I told him that I didn't (and he believed me). But then it was taking me sooooo long to find a great word so I dropped a hint and told him that I had too many letters to choose from. He didn't get the hint. Finally a few minutes later he glanced down at my box and saw that I had about 30 letters and he flipped out and said, "Game's over - I win!" He-he-he. But I actually won though because the letters that I used on the board were really all of my letters. I never actually used the big pile of letters that I sneaked. So I win, eh?

On our way out Aerie went over and said bye to Melissa and he told her that I cheated. She was the LAST person that I wanted him to tell. Read THIS and you will know why, he-he!


Anonymous said...

Oh this was funny. I was at a party last night and the whole cheating thing came up again. It's a little annoying dealing with people who think they are so much better becasue they "would never" cheat in a game. It's a game people, it's not real life, it's not a reflection on character, it's just pure fun, and meant in fun. Get over it already.

Ok, just had to get that off my chest. Looks like you guys had a lot of fun, and that is the point of a game!

Trayce said...

YES!!!! Having fun is THE whole point in a game. You know, in a way I do think it is a reflection on character. Fun cheaters like us have a really good sense of humour - and we are fun, fun, fun! People who don't cheat, well...maybe they just take life a little more seriously. I don't know though...I mean, I'm no expert. Well, I am an expert on cheating :o) HEHEHEHEHE! I would so LOVE to play a board game with you, Lori. We have never done that, eh? Oh we have got to do it!! Oh maybe when the blogger's guild girls get together - we can play a board game!??? We'll chat. What do you think gals???

Anonymous said...

Just curious... do you cheat every time? It sounds like you do.

For me cheating is not an every time thing. I want to win without cheating because I don't think that winning is really winning if you cheat at it.

I am an occasional cheater, like I have been known to cheat only a couple times, I do not think of cheating as soon as I sit down to play a game, I simple read the situation and if I can cheat to help someone else or if I think it might be funny, I might do it.

Not that I am trying to say that my kind of cheating is better than yours or anything like that but I am getting painted with a brush like I am CHEATER, and I am definitely not a CHEATER, I have cheated before and I am willing to cheat to make things more fun, but my intention is not for selfish gain, to try and win a game.

Again I am not saying one is better than the other all I am saying is that I think you are right that being willing to cheat for more fun in a GAME shows that we have a great sense of humour, and the people I know who got so ticked about the cheating might want to consider lightening up a bit for the sake of the fun of a GAME. Besides it's the spirit of the law not the letter right?

Only joking about that...

Donna said...

You gals are funny:-) I'm just glad to hear you are playing the game. Never stop being who you are because our Lord has blessed us with you both.

Trayce said...

I thought about it and I think it's pretty safe to say that I do cheat every time I play a board game.
Yes, you're right...winning is not really winning if you are cheating.

Maybe I don't care as much as I thought I did about "winning". Maybe I just like to have fun. Oh I don't even know anymore. This is all getting too complicated. Cheating was just so simple before we got into these big discussions over it, eh? Don't you think? Now I am almost feeling guilty about it and over thinking the whole thing. I didn't know that people got really annoyed with cheaters.

When I am with a gang that verbally confesses that they dislike cheaters, I won't cheat. That has never happened though. But I will tell you this...I don't think I would cheat if I were playing with Melissa. Actually, I would wait until the very end and cheat. Hmmm, actually I'm not really sure about that one. I don't like to upset people. But I like to push peoples' buttons sometimes. I would really love to play a game with Melissa and prove to her that I can win fair and square. We should do that. All in fun though :)

Trayce said...

And has also blessed us with YOU!!!