Thursday, January 18, 2007

My odd, little quirks.

So I have been PMS'ing for a few days now and I've been really emotional and moody. I know...gross. This morning Aerie and I were talking on the phone and he was like, "Are you on your period or what???" I felt like talking about me. I had done this really stupid questionaire online and the results really put me in a wacko mood. Click here if you want to test yourself. So I started to ask Aerie tons of questions. He was getting a little irritated by my questions...I must admit that I was being a royal pain...but anyway, he wrote out what he said to me because I begged him to. My mind doesn't absorb what people tell me - I need to see it to remember it. So this is what he wrote:



You are a planner. But you don't work well under stress.
You are not spontaneous.
You can't work under pressure.
Everything needs to be "EXACTLY" the way you want - or its not going to work.
You focus on the minute insignificant details more than anything else.

You are wonderful at completing a task, but it takes you 5 times longer than any other person I know.
Your effort is always appreciated, but it is not always necessary.

For example - Why spend 10 minutes fixing the boys hair if you are just going to put a hat on their head?
You can't make a meal unless you know every detail of the recipe - no wingin' it.
You can't let someone in our home without it being "SPOTLESS".
You are almost always late because you can't leave the house unless you are immaculatly groomed.

There are positives and negatives to each of these quirks you have.
I think you need to learn to choose your battles.

You don't need to spend more than 5 minutes getting ready to go buy groceries.
You can fix kids hair when we get there.
People don't care if the floor is washed before they come over to visit.
Some of the best recipes in the world are made by wingin' it.

I love you.


Hmmm, I do believe that what he wrote was very true, but now I sort of wish I wouldn't have asked him to tell me. I would like to justify my bizarre behaviour by hearing all about your quirks.


Anonymous said...

Trace, I don't work well under pressure or stress either...If I try to hurry I always hurt myself. Also, I do waste time and energy focusing on minute details when completing something.
However...from Aerie's examples I definitely don't have any of those particular 'issues' :) In fact we're probably opposites on those. As you know...I do scrub my groceries before storing them...all of them! I am almost always late but I'm definitely not immaculately grooming myself...just slow, living in my own little world that has no clocks - OH! unless it's night time and then the clock is ALL important! Steve hates it when I announce the time (he says every 30 min. but this is not true!)
Anyway, I gotta go ;cause it's 9:10pm and I have to get ready for bed. ;)

Trayce said...

And you think our friend Janice is OCD? HE-HE! I am referring the scrubbing of all of your groceries. Yes, I knew that you did that. I don't scrub everything, but I have a special cleanser for my fruit and vegetables that I use. It's called. I helps to get rid of pesticides, bacteria and dirt.

You're funny. I think that I've heard you and Steve talk about that before - the whole clocks thing. You really like your sleep, eh! :)

Detail does me a lot to me. Do you think we will ever change? Do you think that we need to change? I guess when it makes everyone else in my house late, then it's telling me something. Maybe like Aerie said, I need to choose my battles. That's really hard though.

Donna said...

Tracy, never lose sight of the preciousness that is you. I think we all have bizarre stuff if we really got to know one another. But we are all so precious, eh?

Trayce said...

I know you're right about that. I tend to forget that sometimes. We truly are all so precious and unique.