Tuesday, January 23, 2007

Happy Birthday Uncle Luka!!!

Just want to wish my brother in law, Luka, a VERY HAPPY BIRTHDAY today! We are thinking of you and wish we could be
there to celebrate with you.

We love you lots!

Aerie, Tracy, Ethan & Titus :o)


Anonymous said...

Hey sis-in-law (which pronounced all together can sound like a disease), THANKS a ton for wishing me HAPPY BIRTHDAY on your blog, now I feel important.

I like the pic a lot, maybe with photoshop I can manage to erase some belly.........and I'll wait for my Royalties =)

Thanks again, love you guys!!!

Anonymous said...

Happy Birthday Luka!
You are awesome.


Trayce said...

Sis-in-law...I will never see those words quite the same.

What belly???

Me said...

Uncle Luka, You look like you are ready to murder you b-day cake. I am sure you are a really nice guy but I think I am afraid!
happy birthday!

Trayce said...

Be afraid, Sarah.......BE VERY AFRAID!!!

He-he-he...just kidding. Luka wouldn't hurt a fly :o) He is a sensitive little fella.