Wednesday, January 17, 2007

The nine laws to staying lean for life!

Aerie gets a newsletter for Outdoor Ottawa and this was one of the articles in the newsletter. It's probably one of the best articles I've read on weightloss. Check it out here.
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"Not long ago, the secret to losing weight seemed straightforward: Just give up bread. Not long before that, it was all about avoiding fat. And when those theories sprung leaks, a long list of diet fads was there to fill the holes — cabbage soup, grapefruit, eating for your blood type ... the list goes on and on.

To help you stop diet-hopping, we've peeled away the layers of hype to reveal the core concepts and surprising science behind what really works for weight loss. Follow these nine laws for hitting that perfect number on the scale — and stay lean for life."


Laura said...

That is a great article. I love that it makes SENSE

I have always been suspicious of eating plans that cut out so much of what God provided for us.... like chocolate!!!! :-)

Trayce said...

Lol! You're too funny!!!