Friday, November 10, 2006

Faith, Hope and Love...

When I was single I made myself a very detailed list of qualities that I dreamed of having in a husband. This guy had to be everything from outdoorsy to being sensitive to my physical and emotional needs during "that time of the month". I was very specific.

Aerie and I met about 10 years ago through his best friend...that I was dating at the time. Funny thing is that Aerie doesn't at all remember meeting me. Even then, there was always something about Aerie that attracted me to him. It was more than his charm and boyish good looks. He was mysterious, and I found that very attractive.

A few years later I remember seeing Aerie walk into the church - I was up on stage singing with the choir. Week after week, he caught my eye. To make a pretty detailed story short, one night a big gang of us went out to eat after church, as was the tradition back then. Aerie was sitting at a different table, and to get his attention, I casually threw a ketchup packet at his table. Aerie walked right over to me and said, "Does this belong to you?" He took my breath away. I was completely smitten. The rest is history :)

We had a fun yet complicated courtship. After 3 months of dating, we broke up for a few months. During those few months God did some amazing work in each of us and when we got back together we knew that it was God's perfect time. We also knew that we were completely in Love with each other and there was no doubt in our minds that we wanted to share the rest of our lives together. We were married 6 short months later.

When Aerie and I were dating, there were many qualities in Aerie that I Loved and that were on that list that I was talking about earlier. But through the years I have realized that he is even more than what I thought I wanted. I am amazed at just how perfect Aerie is for me. He is everything I have dreamed of and more. Honestly, there is not a day that goes by that I don't thank God for Aerie. We've been married for seven years and we are still on our honeymoon.

Aerie and I don't have a perfect marriage or a perfect life. But we have an unshakeable Love for one another. We know beyond a shadow of a doubt that God is the foundation in our marriage. Without Him, we would not be who we are together today. God has carried us through harder times and he has shown us that if we stick together, and never lose focus of the goal, we can get through anything. We have learned to not put our Faith in material things; our Faith is in God and God alone. We could lose everything, sometimes it feels like we have hit a wall and there is no Hope, but God proves himself time and time again. We Biafore's are more than just a family - we are a team and we stick together, we lift each other up and Love each other unconditionally.

Our Family Mission Statement:

Hope to dream, Faith to believe, and Love always.


Anonymous said...

I love you.
Thanks for all the work that you did on this page. I think it will be great for people to see that our family has a mission statement.
I think its very important to have something to aim for in every circumstance in life. And it can all be summed up in Faith, Hope and Love.

I hope that people that read this are not going to think that we are some perfect family. Becasue we are not even close. Judging from the pictures you would think that we are flawless. But we are far from it.

What makes us different is that we have a perfect and flawless God that is the center of who we are.

Joshua 24:15
But if serving the LORD seems undesirable to you, then choose for yourselves this day whom you will serve, whether the gods your forefathers served beyond the River, or the gods of the Amorites, in whose land you are living. But as for me and my household, we will serve the LORD."

Laura said...

You clearly love your family, I always knew that but these pictures tell a story that no words ever could.

Anonymous said...

Hi Tracy, I know I sent you an email but I wanted to post how much I enjoy reading your blog. You write beautifully.
- Jodi

Anonymous said...

Keep up the good work. You are amazing.

Trayce said...

Thanks Jodi! I'm so glad you left a comment - FINALLY! He-he!

Short and sweet; just like you...uh, the sweet part.

Trayce said...

Laura, what a nice thing to say. I really do love my family so much.
