Monday, October 23, 2006

Happy Birthday Amber-Lee!

Ten years ago, our family was blessed with a beautiful little girl - my niece - Amber-Lee.

I have two sibblings - a brother named Joey, and a sister named Angela. I was about 22 years old when my best friend and sister, Ange, gave birth to Amber-Lee. I instantly fell in love with this beautiful baby. She was the prettiest baby I had ever laid eyes upon and she was what some of us moms call "an angel baby"...loved everyone and was happy and easy going for the most part. I loved her like my own.

When I look at Amber-Lee I wonder where the time went - it seems like just a short while ago she was running around in diapers. Over the years I have watched her blossom into a kind, precious, thoughtful and beautiful child of God.

I love you so much Amber-Lee and you will always hold an extra special place in my heart!


Amber-Lee Rose's Favourite Things:

Colour: Ice blue
Movie: Highschool Musical, Grease
Music: Kelly Clarkson
Food: Pizza
Drink: Coke
Desert: Chocolate rolo ice cream
Talents: Singing
Animal Fetish: Monkeys!!!
Passions: Playing soccer, Bratz Dolls, fashion and clothes, shopping, stuffed animals, singing, reading, camouflage
Best Friends:
Leah & Jessica
Dream: To meet Zack from the movie Highschool Musical...and to become a singer and be in a movie like Highschool Musical.

A little something not many people know about Amber-Lee: Amber-Lee was saying words like apple, duckie and Elmo clearly by 8 months of age, by a year old she knew many words, and by one and a half years old, Mike and Ange could hold a conversation with her. She's a smart little cookie!


Your Auntie Tracy

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

Happy B-day Amber-Lee! I bet your mom and dad are very proud of you.

I love your favorite foods too (pizza, Coke and ice cream). :-)

I hope all your dreams come true :-)

My wife Lisa thinks you've got a beautiful smile and you're very sweet (and the last time she saw you she LOVED your hair).