Thursday, November 16, 2006

Candida Yeast Test

Do you think you might have a problems with Candida Yeast? Click here to try this simple test at home.


Trayce said...

Oh yes, the floss challenge! Mmmmm, I need to get my facts really straight before that one though.

Anonymous said...

Interesting! A little gross but, interesting. I guess it`s no worse than peeing in a cup, or on a stick.

Did you get confirmation that this is what you have? What is the medical test for this?

I hope this is the answer to your problems and that it`s easily treatable.


Trayce said...


This is only the first part of my story...the tip of the iceberg :)

This is a test that you can do at home, but I wouldn't said it's 100% reliable. I had a Candida blood test as well as a Vega Test done.


Anonymous said...

Hi Trace,

In case you or your friends are interested, here is info on free flu shot clinics in our area:

I was thinking about the symptoms you've been dealing with and realized that my friend Ingrid (at CSC, you've met her) has been struggling with the same symptoms for years, so I decided to send her some info on Candida today. What a coincidence! As it turns out, I was a little too late. She was recently (less than two months ago) diagnosed with candida. She has made some changes to her diet and is already starting to feel like her old self again, and has gotten back her motivation and energy to go to the gym.
I'm sure the same will happen for you.

Thank you for sharing all this personal info about yourself. You never know who you could be helping.


Trayce said...

Hi Is!

I remember Ingrid. I find that the hardest part of having Candida has been the diet change. Doing so will help you feel better quickly and is also necessary, but in order to kill off the bad yeast, Ingrid should also be on antifungals, as well as a good probiotic to replenish the good bacteria.

Oh there is so much to know and understand about Candidias, I have learned a lot over the past two years, but I am still learning something new about it everyday.

You can tell Ingrid that she can e-mail me if she has any questions; I'd love to help.

Thanks for the flu shot link.

I love your comments, Is. I miss ya!


Anonymous said...

You've known you had this for two years?! I didn't know that. Wow! I had heard of candida before, when I was reading about thyroid conditions. It sounds as though candida is also common in untreated thyroid sufferers. I guess because one imbalance can lead to others.

So you have it under control now?

Ingrid is getting proprer treatment now. I just don't understand why it would take a Doctor so long to clue in to something like that. Thanks for talking about this. I have another friend I think should look into this.

So, do you wanna get together sometime next week? Thursday dinner and a movie? Let me know.


Anonymous said...

Dearest Tracy:

When my oldest son Jordan was about 8 months old (he is now 14-oh my goodness gracious me time goes by fast I was diagnosed with candida via vega testing and a enviromental medicine Dr. He put me on oral nystatin and a yeast free, sugar free, refined food free, fruit free, fruit juice free, and fermented food (eg cheeses, vinegars diet. I went through a very intense healing crisis (symptoms got worse before they got better-as the die off process runs it's course) Once that was over my symptoms were gone. I was no longer exhausted and achy. I had so much more energy on that diet. It was great.
I also had my son and my food and environmental sensitivities done and when I had Jordan on the foods that he was ok with his ear infections (which he suffered many of) cleared up.
When I had to give all of that stuff up, for various reasons, and Jordan ate what all the other kids were eating he became chronically congested. Interesting eh.
So hang in there because as your natural flora balances out you are going to begin to feel much better. Yeah!

Peace and blessings I pray to you and yours in Jesus' name:


Trayce said...

Hi Donna:

I love reading your comments and I really appreciate them.

Yes, the die off process can be brutal. So is your Candida under control now or do you still have to be careful with what you eat?

That's amazing that you were even able to recognize the link between your son's chronic congestion to the foods that he was eating. Oh it's so interesting. I wish more people knew that they don't have to live with some of the illnesses they are living with - that sometimes a simple dietary change can help drastically.

Thank you for sharing this with us, Donna!

Tracy :)

Trayce said...

Iz/Is...which is it now? HE-HE!

Yes, dinner & a movie sounds good, but let me confirm that day with you, k. I think Thursday should work though.

Actually it hasn't been quite 2 years - I thought it had been, but I was calculating today and it's been about 1 year and 4 months.

Many doctors don't even recognize Candida as a real condition. My doctor sure didn't.

My Candida is not completely under control. I am doing so much better than I was though. I know exactly what I need to do, but sometimes I lack the discipline do it. I'll get into that later though.


Trayce said...

Lori: You have????????????????? Oh I'm so proud of you! Way to go! So! Do you feel any different? Oh trust me, even if your teeth feel the same - you are doing them a big favour by flossing them everyday. I hope this lasts. Do you think it will?
I still haven't brought myself to use that dusty floss container you gave me last week, lol!!!!!!!!! Do you want it back? Hahahahahhahahhahah!

Anonymous said...

Can you fill me in on the correllation between flossing and candida? I'm not all caught up on this yet.


Trayce said...

Hi Is!

There is no correlation bettween flossing and Candida :) No connection whatsoever. Lori just mentioned it there. We've been discussing how important it is to floss everyday. Since I got those 15 cavities a few years back, I have become a regular flosser...I floss a few times a day. Lori did not floss very often, but after I started telling her about all the benefits and some of the facts of flossing, she was encouraged to floss come consistently AND she suggested I do some kind of "Floss Challenge" in my blog.

So that's what that's about :)

Do you floss? It's o.k - ya don't need to answer that question :)