Thursday, October 12, 2006

I Dare You to Smile!

This is a little something that I read in my Mom's Devotional today.

A Mom's Version of 1 Corinthians 13

Though I lecture and harp at my children and have not love, I will be a background noise to rebellious thoughts.
And though I wisely warn them not to use to street as a playground, or they'll be killed; and though I patiently explain why snails live in mobile homes, and I give endless answers to life's other mysteries; and though I have faith that can remove mountains of ignorance - yet never hug my children - I have taught nothing.
And thoughI slave over a steaming stove with balanced diets and complicated recipes and even burn my fingers - yet never smile as I serve - I have not really fed them.
A truly loving mother suffers through unfinished sentences, clutter, nicks on furniture, sleepless nights and adolescent insults, and is kind enough to think her kids are the greatest. A loving mother tries not to resent her children for being free like she used to be, and she doesn't brag about how she never talked to her mom that way.
Real love considers a childish nightmare more urgent than her need for sleep; is not shattered by the title "Meanest Mom"; doesn't shame a toddler who breaks training or a teen who still spills milk; steadfastly refuses to entertain visions of escape; and does not smirk as her child trips over a toy he refused to put away (but with silent wisdom rejoices in the effective lessons of experience).
Mother-love has arms strong from lifting, a heart large with believing, a mind stretched with hoping, shoulders soft with enduring, and knees bent with committing.
True mother-love never fails to point her child to the Author of Love.


It's 2:00 pm, all the kids are napping and Ethan is off to school. I finally have some time to myself. I needed to read this today. I caught myself today. I caught myself preparing snacks, lunch, tripping over toys, struggling to clean what seems like a bottomless pit of dishes and laundry, wiping snotty noses, poopy bums, spilled drinks and food, unclogging a poopy toilet (not mine!), breaking up fights, asking the kids to do something and them not listening...I caught myself doing these things without a smile on my face - without love. These are not fun things to do in the first place, but when my attitude is not in the right place, these things are almost unbearable. Sometimes when I feel this way I just force myself to smile. It's really hard to force a smile - a real big smile with your eyes - and not feel anything inside. When I do that and the kids see me smile, they instantly smile back at me. Go figure? And then that totally brings out a very real smile on my face. Putting on some happy music has a way of changing my attitude as well. It takes the focus off of of how overloaded or discouraged I am feeling - and brings such a fun and light atmosphere into the room. Like all the kids I know, mine love singing and dancing, but most of all, they LOVE to see their mommy (and Caregiver) smiling.

Take a moment today to just love someone - give them a hug, a simple little smile...because actions always speak so much louder than words.

1 comment:

Trayce said...

Hey Lori, I love that - Fake it till you make it...that's good. Do you ever do that? Am I the only one who has ever done that? I'm curious. Do you know what I mean though?

I am gonna go and read your blog now...see if you have updated it again, he-he!

Love ya!