Friday, June 29, 2007

"When someone hands you a lemon - make lemonade!"

Freshly squeezed lemon juice (not frozen or reconstituted) will rebuild the liver faster than any other known method.

The lemon is a cleansing agent with the following BUILDING factors and contains these ingredients:

CALCIUM strengthens the brain for clear thinking

CARBON acts as a motor stimulant

CHLORINE cleans blood plasma

HYDROGEN activates the sensory organs

IRON builds the red corpuscles to rapidly correct all forms of anemia

MAGNESIUM acts as a blood alkalizer

OXYGEN builds vitality

PHOSPHORUS knits bones, stimulates and builds the brain for clearer thinking

POTASSIUM strengthens and energizes the heart, stimulates and builds the kidneys and adrenals

SILICON aids the thyroid for deeper breathing

SODIUM encourages tissue building

In my previous post, I discussed how drinking DISTILLED WATER sucks out the overload of positive ions in our bodies. This is where LEMONS come in. Lemons rebuild the body. The distilled water sucks out the positive ions and the lemon-aid winds you back up.

There are a few important things to remember when drinking lemon-aid:
  1. Drink no more than 4 ozs. per hour and not after 6 p.m., with a maximum of 30 oz (about 15 drinks) per day.
  2. Always dilute at a ratio of 1 oz. lemon juice to 9 ozs. water.
  3. Suggested use: 27 ozs. water with 3 ozs. fresh lemon juice.

I hesitate blogging on this because there are cautions to everything we do and just like anything else, we have to be careful even when consuming natural things. Too much of ANYTHING is not good; and distilled water and lemons are no acception. Many people drink distilled water all day without realizing that it's too much for our bodies to handle. I have gone on complete lemon-aid fasts drinking tons of lemon water all day. Again, it's too much.

Using distilled water and lemon-aid properly can do miracles in your body, but these numbers are very precise - our bodies cannot handle more than 4 ozs. of distilled water in any given half hour; drink no more than 4 ozs. per hour of lemon-aid.

My teacher has worked in numerous cancer clinics all around the world. This is how they treat these dying people while carefully monitoring their body chemistry - distilled water and lemon-aid (among other things).
If you have any questions at all on this or would like to know more, I would be happy to help in any way that I can. Doctor Marshall is always there to answer any questions that I have.

Friday, June 22, 2007

Distilled water

Theory of Ionization

When a thunderstorm comes in, it brings heavy air that is charged with positive ions. Lightning cuts through the positive ions and the air is immediately recharged with negative ions. After a storm passes, the air is light with negative ions.

Food nutrition is based on the Theory of Ionization. The negative ions in our bodies are the good guys. The positive ions in our bodies are the bad guys – the pains, poisons, toxins, disease, etc. EVERYTHING that goes wrong in the body is related to positive ions.

Distilled water is an empty water which has the innate capability of attracting to it the overload of positive ions in the human body. It will literally suck out the positive ions from our bodies. Distilled water will no longer be “distilled” if anything at all is added to it - even an ice cube from non-distilled water.

Distilled water should be used as a medicine only. One of the biggest mistakes that we make when drinking distilled water is that we drink it all the time and in large quantities. It is very important that we never drink more than 4 ounces in any given ½ hour – more than that will overwork the body. Pure distilled water should not be consumed after 5:30 p.m., so our bodies can rest, with a 60 ounce limit per day.

Friday, June 01, 2007

"Eat them alone or leave them alone."

Melons are very easy to digest. This is due to their high liquid content - they are all 90% or more water. So melons digest almost immediately. They require virtually no digestive action by the stomach and pass through the digestive system very quickly; however, this can only happen if the stomach is empty. If melon is eaten with other foods that require more complex digestive action in the stomach, it can no longer pass through quickly and gets "stuck". Even though the melon is already broken down sufficiently to pass quickly through the stomach, in effect, it gets trapped there as it must wait for the other foods to be properly digested. As the melon sits and waits in the stomach, it begins to ferment, leading to bloating, gas and other digestive issues.

Due to this fact, it is important to remember the following rule for all types of melons in order to promote healthy digestion:

"Eat them alone or leave them alone."

This does not mean that you need to be alone when you eat melons, he-hel!! What it does mean is that all types of melons should be eaten at least an hour away from any other food - including other fruits. It is acceptable to eat different types of melons together, as all melons digest very quickly.

Here are a few interesting facts about melons:
  • eating nothing by watermelon one day per week is very beneficial for the kidneys and cases of water retention
  • cantalope and watermelon are excellent sources of beta-carotene and Vitamin C
  • watermelon is cooling and has a very high water content