Thursday, May 31, 2007

Fruits & veggies anyone?

FRUITS cleanse the body. During the morning our energy is focused on elimination and fruit helps with that process. It is not recommended to eat fruit in the evening (after 8 pm). Separate fruits from vegetables by 1 hour (creates gas).

VEGETABLES supply the body with minerals, which is needed for tissue repair. This process occurs mainly while we are sleeping. Include veggies with your lunch, afternoon snacks and dinner.

Did you know that anything with seeds is botanically a fruit? Here is a list of fruits that can be mixed with vegetables:
  • tomatoes
  • squash
  • pumpkin
  • avacado
  • coconut (in the nut family)
  • pinneaple (because of the digestive enzymes)
  • papaya
  • lemons
  • limes

I'm back & I've missed you...

I have been passionate about natural health and nutrition for as long as I can remember - more so a few years ago when I began having some problems with my health and digestive system. Since that time, I began to read everything that I could get my hands on that had to do with natural health. I dreamt of becoming a Natural Health Practitioner, a Fitness Instructor... of being so healthy and fit, and helping others to live healthy lives.

Earlier this year, I took my very first step towards this goal and I went back to school! The moment I signed up for my first class, those dreams became tangible. I am so, so excited!

The course I am taking now is one of many Nutrition courses in my program. I have been learning daily living tips to stay healthy, and the importance of correct body pH balance in maintaining health. I'm learning how to be in control of my own body. Every week I come home from school filled with excitement and newfound knowledge ! I just love it!!!

So anyway, I've been sharing some of the things that I've been learning with my family and some of my friends. A few of my girlfriends thought it would be interesting if I posted some of what I have been learning on my blog. So I am going to do just that. I hope you enjoy this information as much as I have.

The International Academy Health Education Centre is where I am taking my courses. If you are interested, click on the link below for more information on their courses and everything else they have to offer.

Friday, May 18, 2007

Loving Actions Speak Clearly

Walk in love's annointing today: be kind, joyful, peaceful, and stable. Let God love others through you.

That is the cry of my heart today.