Monday, January 08, 2007

I loved my boring vacation

I LOVE vacations! I look forward to them with anticipation. Earlier this year we made plans to go to Florida for Christmas, along with my whole family. My grandpa, aunts, uncles and cousins from my mom's side all live in Florida, and we haven't seen them in years. My grandpa Hawk has never even met Aerie or the kids. Anyway, we didn't make it for various reasons.

Aerie and I both had two weeks off over the Christmas holidays...and we had no plans. Unless you call "relaxing" a plan. Well, I guess it is. Aside from our little Christmas family visits, we didn't really do anything. Oh, we took the boys to Cosmic Adventures three times (their grandparents bought them each a membership for the entire year). Indeed we relaxed. I actually began to find myself bored! When I am on vacation from work, something seems to happen; I take a vacation from everything - from laundry, dishes, groceries, eating properly, exercising, blogging, makeup, cleaning. I have no motivation when I am on vacation. We sleep in until about 9:00 or 10:00 am, we eat breakfast by 11:00 it feels like half the day is gone. I drag my heels all morning. The boys watch on the computer, play with their toys; I check my e-mail...sit on the couch. I have no motivation whatsoever. The first couple of days is feels good to just do nothing, but after the first week I really wanted to do something!!! I didn't have the drive to do anything though - even putting my makeup on was hard to do.

So I have been sort of dreading Monday, January 8th for over two weeks now...but now that it's finally here, I'm kind of happy it is. It was really nice to get back into our little daycare routine. Breakfast was all finished by 8:00...and we actually ate in the kitchen, as opposed to watching TV while we eat as we did throughout our vacation. We had our snacktime, sang some songs, learned some letters from the alphabet, had a storytime, played with was GREAT! And I even got 3 loads of laundry cleaned. I'm excited about this week.

Vacation is so important though. I think everyone needs to take time away from their daily busy life and just rest. It is rejuvenating and it puts everything back into perspective.

I loved my boring vacation, but now I'm ready for everything to go back to normal. I feel refreshed and ready for all of life's adventures and challenges.

It's good to be back :)


Anonymous said...

Nice to have you back. Love the blog, very easy to read :-)

I totally understand what you mean. I am the type of person who the more I have to do the more I can get done! But the less I HAVE TO do the less I find myself doing.

I often forget about some of those projects that "should" be done, and so I have begun to make a list and as I have both the energy and the motivation, I get to them!


Donna said...

I know what you mean. I think oh vacation I can catch up on some things because I have extra time but I end up actually getting behind in my regular stuff it is odd. I guess that is why God is a God of order I know I do so much better in routine and routine also includes breaks so I am going to trust Him to guide me in how to walk that out in His ways. But boy oh boy can I relate to what you are saying Tracy.

What a relief to be getting back to routine as odd as that sounds and the laundry pile is finally caught up for now.

Carrie said...

It's great seeing you back blogging. I think it's great that you had two weeks as a family to do whatever you wanted. Being at home and relaxing is probably one of the best feelings ever. I'm looking forward to the day where Billy and I will be able to sleep in past 8am : )
Glad to have you back.....

Trayce said...

Lori - thanks. It's a lot of work to change the look of your blog, eh.
Thanks for leaving a comment - what a treat :)

Trayce said...

Hello Laura!

A list is a great idea.

I'm so scatter brained. I have a gazillion lists on the go. I should just make one and post it on the fridge and scratch things off as I do them.

One of my problems is that I try to do everything at once, so in the end I am left with a whole bunch of unfinished projects.

Right now I am trying to picture your house...and how you decorate. I don't know why I'm thinking about that right now. You seem like a warm and neutral colour type of girl. Am I wrong or right? I always try to guess how people decorate. Off the subject, I know ;)


Trayce said...

Donna - I guess most of us have a little of that in us. It's interesting how we all thrive on structure & routines. Well, I don't know if everyone is like that. I wonder. I believe that all children find safety and comfort in structure and routines, and they need that in their lives. It seems like it is something that is woven into us even at such a young age. Hmmm. You're so right - God is a God of order.


Trayce said...

Hi Carrie - all in due still have a little one :)
Sleeping in is such a wonderful thing, but I wouldn't want to do it always because it almost feels like you're wasting the day away in bed. Do you find? 8am is not bad at all though! Is that when Alexa wakes up? I love sleeping in, but I like to keep it as a Saturday morning treat type of thing. But hey, I'm not complaining or anything, he-he!

Ethan & Ty are great. They never wake us up when they get out of bed. They peek into our room and if we are sleeping they quietly go downstairs and watch TV or play. We like to fill up their sippy cups with juice or milk the night before so that they have something ready to drink as soon as they wake up. They never get into trouble. Oh we are blessed! I love that they are so independent. It helps that they are close in age and have each other...and they get along really well.

Ok, my comments are sooooooo long! lol. I'm in a chatty mood :)

t - xx

Donna said...

Is sounds like you and Aerie have done well in training them up in the way the should go and they will not easily depart. What a lovely eternal gift to give yur children-that is so beautiful!

Peace and blessings I pray to you and yours in Jesus' mighty name:


Me said...

I was glad the kids went back to school. As much as I enjoyed them being home, the pressure to constantly make sure that they are balancing tv and computer time with reading and outside time, and figuring out who's turn it is on the gamecube, who has sat on the "good spot" of the couch longer......It goes on and on. I feel like vacation begins when they go back to school:)